"Families Are Like Fudge.....

mostly sweet with a few nuts" Families Are Like Fudge......: I'm starting to fly!

Nov 27, 2006
I'm starting to fly!

Have you ever been so sick of the clutter and the mess around your house. I know I have been. I found a web site that walks you through a 28 day routine setting "program." Fly Lady I'm hoping will help me get controls of my house. I've have been doing better. I no longer have dirty dishes around my house from three weeks ago. You think I'm joking don't you? I'm not. I used to be horrible at keeping my house clean. I used to be one of those people that you would walk into there house and the only way to the couch was through a carefully crafted path. The dishes would be piled onto any surface I could find. Sometimes they would even end up in rubbermaid tubs to hide them from company or from myself.

Though gone are the days where you have to walk through the path to the couch. The rubbermaid tubs are now used for Christmas decorations and actually storing things. I'm hoping with doing this I can get the areas that I haven't been able to control under control. They call these the hot spots. The areas that collect the clutter and if left unattended with turn into a "wildfire" of clutter. If anyone has some suggestions on how to organize computer stuff let me know because I have enough of it to fill a dump truck.
posted by The Ultimate Nut @ 3:36 AM  
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Name: Audi
Home: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, United States
About Me: I was born in Colorado. Lived in Greeley until 2001 and moved to Oklahoma (yes of all places.) I tell people that my car broke down here and I haven't gotten the money to get it fixed. People actually believe me. I miss home but going there every once in a while cures me of that and reminds me of why I left. Though most of my good friends are still there. With the exception of one. She also thought leaving would be a great idea. Though why she left for Washington State is beyond me. Love yah Megs. I also have two wonderful children and a husband that could be counted as a third but I love him too. With them, work and life I just can't seem to keep up, though some how I seem to do a pretty good job at it.
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