"Families Are Like Fudge.....

mostly sweet with a few nuts" Families Are Like Fudge......: 46 Things About Audi, because I can't think of 100

Jul 25, 2005
46 Things About Audi, because I can't think of 100
46) I have several nicknames. One is Audi. Though some would spell it Oddie because I am so odd. The other is holycow. I love holstien cow. So my friends thought it would be fun to be able to yell "Break short for HOLYCOW" over the cb radio in high school and the name stuck.

45) I have ADD, attention deficit disorder. I was diagnosed when I was like 6 but don't tell a lot of people about it.

44) My mother is a paraniod, oh hell I can't even spell it. She is crazy and I mean crazy.

43) I got pregnant when I was 18. Everyone of my friends thought I was going to be the last. Surprised the hell out of them.

42)I now have two wonderful kids. A 7 year old boy and a 6 year old girl.

41)My parents got divorced when I was 5. So they have been divorced over 21 years.

40) My dad remarried when I was seven.

39) I have one sister that is 31. I also two half brothers one is 16 and the other is 12.

38) I haven't seen my bestfriend in over 4 years. I moved so she thought she would move also. She went to Washington State.

37) I was on the colorguard on High School. We took all captions in our region and made it to state and place 5th!!

36) My first boyfriend I met in band where I played the bass clarinet and he played the trombone and used to empty is spit valve on my shoes. EWWW Yuck!!!!!!!!

35) My dream was to become a Elementary School Teacher. Though I don't think that will happen anytime soon.

34) I work as a night auditor at a hotel and love it. Though the drunk people aren't always the best thing in the world.

33)I stole this idea from my bestfriend. Love yah and miss yah lots!!!!!

32)I'm a past Honored Queen of Jobs Daughters Bethel #10 Greeley Colorado.

31)I am very stuborn when I want to be.

30)I am a great friend.

29)I am from Greeley, Colorado where they say cow manuer is the smell of money. You know it is bad when you drive by a cattle truck and it reminds you of home.

28)I love camping and mountain climbing but I always manage to hurt myself doing it.

27)I hate floofy girly, girls though I think my daughter will end up like one. If she does I will still love her!!!!

26)Red is my favorite color

25)Daiseys and Red Tipped Roses are my favorite flowers

24)Fried or Barbicued chicken is my favorite food

23)I would love to take a vacation to Europe.

22)I hate being mad at people most of all myself

21) I have given up two baby girls for addoption and I think that is one of the hardest things I have ever done.

20)I am an avid book reader. I have two series' that I am reading. Harry Potter and Violet Eyes. PS Megs you've got to read the Violet Eyes series you would love it.

19) like the internet world because I can read about/talk to/meet people without having to actually see them face to face.

18)I love the dark. Add the stars and the moon and I'm in heaven. No pun intended.

17)I did some things in High School that I'm not proud off and I still can't talk about them because it would hurt a lot of people.

16)I think the best place to watch a sunrise is in the mountains

15)I used to play volleyball in High School till I hurt my knee roller skating.

14)I love Fridays because it is my first day off during the week and I get to spend time with my kids.

13)I love to swim

12)I love to sing but I sound terrible.

11)I love to cry, I think it cleanses the soul.

10)I have to many secrets for my own good

9)none of my family or my hubbys family knows that we gave up children for adoption. I plan on keeping it that way. Well unless the find this and read it. If they do I'm sorry you had to find out this way.

8)This post isn't almost done. Good greif this is hard.

7)I have been in three major car accedents. Two were my fault.

6)I don't have a legal drivers licence. Had it suspended last December

5)Moved to Oklahoma so my hubby could be closer to some of his family.

4)I hate going to restaurants alone. Even if I am meeting a friend there later.

3)I don't care for most sports but I do like baseball and hockey. GO Colorado Rockies and Avalanche!!!!!

2) I have few friends but the ones I have have always been there when I needed them most.

1)This was supposed to be a list of 100 but I gave up! So there you go. LOL
posted by The Ultimate Nut @ 4:56 AM  
  • At 7/26/2005 12:46 PM, Blogger WaAngel said…

    K, so there's only two things on there that I didn't know... the ADD thing (why didn't you tell me that?? or maybe you did when we were younger and i just didn't listen... that's entirely possible) and what things are you talking about that you did in high school?????

  • At 7/26/2005 11:28 PM, Blogger Audi said…

    you know about the things in high school and the ADD thing yes I have told you a long time ago.

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Name: Audi
Home: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, United States
About Me: I was born in Colorado. Lived in Greeley until 2001 and moved to Oklahoma (yes of all places.) I tell people that my car broke down here and I haven't gotten the money to get it fixed. People actually believe me. I miss home but going there every once in a while cures me of that and reminds me of why I left. Though most of my good friends are still there. With the exception of one. She also thought leaving would be a great idea. Though why she left for Washington State is beyond me. Love yah Megs. I also have two wonderful children and a husband that could be counted as a third but I love him too. With them, work and life I just can't seem to keep up, though some how I seem to do a pretty good job at it.
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